We had booked a flight with Ryanair to fly from Dublin to Bremen. Ryanair boasts some of the lowest airfare in Europe, but a good thing to remember is that you get what you pay for, and they have to make money somehow. Basically: read the fine print. Because Ty and I have become fairly used to flying since we came to Europe, we did our duty and showed up at the airport two hours early to check into our flight. I know that there are a lot of airlines that allow you to check in online, but I'd much rather deal with a person than the Internet when it comes to flying... until I dealt with Ryanair.
1) They were not polite.
2) They were not helpful.
3) They really knew how to push that Kelsie's-going-to-turn-into-a-big-green-scary-monster-real-quick button.
Basically, even though we were two hours early they made us pay extra to check in (a lot extra) because we had missed the check in window by thirty minutes. We were really upset, but we knew going into this trip we were going to make mistakes--sometimes expensive ones. Ty and I did our best to shake it off. Our flight took off from Dublin, Ireland and landed in Bremen, Germany, so it was technically successful.
That's just the beginning.
Another thing that stinks about traveling Europe is Google Maps. Apparently Google hasn't figured out public transport over here yet, because 99.9% of the time it's wrong. Also, our hotel said on Expedia that it had an airport shuttle, so we figured we could just call the hotel from the airport and they could either pick us up or give us directions.

At this point, I was feeling like that little boy.
But, all was not lost! There was still Ty's favorite place to turn to: Information. It shined like a beacon. Or maybe more like bacon, because we all know bacon is about 10394oilk324 times better than a beacon. Anyway, we went and asked. The woman who worked there was extremely helpful. She looked at the address of the hotel, told us where it is, how to get there on public transport, and sold us the tickets to get there.
Finally, we thought, we are about to get to the hotel and relax.

We get off the train at the stop the woman from information told us to and looked around. No hotel anywhere, so we went to Ty's favorite place again--information--and asked that lady where the hotel was and gave her the address. She gave us a funny look. "Who sent you here?"
I sighed. "The woman at information at Ryanair." Stupid Ryanair.
So the new information lady (I'll call her "IL2") got on her computer and googled the hotel. The woman at information had sent us to the completely wrong train stop. IL2 told us which stop we should have gone to and sent us on our way. So we get to the next stop hoping that the hotel will be close, but guess what..... you got it. WRONG AGAIN.
Like the good tourists we are we walked around and asked every public transport official we could find if they knew where our hotel was. No. No.

Stupid Consuela. ha
I think one bus driver finally took pity on us so he called us a cab and we waited about fifteen minutes for the cab to show up. When he showed up, we found out that he spoke no English, and--miraculously--the only thing he could say was "Ten euros." So, we paid ten euros to ride about a mile and a half to our hotel.
When we finally arrived at hotel, we were frazzled to say the least. We ordered a pizza, watched a movie, and prayed it wouldn't be Friday the 13th any time soon!
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