Sunday, March 2, 2014

Czech Cows say "moooooo...n shine"

Students from all over Europe (and America) traveled to Prague to study agriculture and English at the Czech University of Life Sciences. For us it was an ideal location where we could travel around Europe, food is reasonably priced, and we could take some courses for credit at K-State.

The other day I had the best experience I've had in a class so far. The class is Livestock Management. It's taught by a cute gal studying for her doctorate degree. She's very nice, is a Czech native, and speaks English the best out of all the teachers I've had here--and some at K-State. Go figure.

During our class Tuesday she set the mood by announcing that class the next week was cancelled. At the end of the lecture, she said she was taking us on an "excursion" to the animal research lab. Once there, I met all sorts of new friends, and I didn't discriminate based on genus or species. :)

My first friend marveled over my phone case... She was a little mad when I told her she couldn't eat it. Here were a few of her "neigh"bors. (Haha get it? Classy animal puns.)
She was a little shy at first, but she warmed up to us nicely!

But, my new goat friend couldn't let the cows have all the attention! She wanted me to say hi, and she wasn't "kid"ding around. (Man, I crack myself up.)

The research lab was pretty full of animals craving attention. Especially a stupid rooster. I think he was a teenager's alarm clock, considering he was crowing at noon. 
And of course, the pigs just lazed around and ate. Every now and then they did their best impersonations of my dad while he's sleeping. (Haaaaaa)
One was obviously hungry for bacon.

We even saw these cute monkeys. They were either camera shy, or toddlers because they couldn't sit still for two seconds. 
This was the best picture I got of "yellow foot," so excuse my phone's reflection.

Next we even got to see some guinea pigs, birds, and some fish.

Overall, a great trip. I'll definitely be returning when I'm feeling homesick, or when I want to be harassed by a lonely goat. :)

I finished off class that day by seeing some other wildlife in Parisitology.
Hopefully I won't be seeing these creepy crawlies any time soon.

Animals seem to be a big deal here. We see people with their dogs everywhere; public transports, sidewalks, restaurants, and I even saw this little guy in my Milk and Dairy lab after class.

I feel pretty fortunate that even in a city of over 2 million I can still get back to my routes and enjoy livestock. :)

Thank you for reading!
Ps. More about Vienna coming soon. :)

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