Monday, February 3, 2014

Airplanes are NOT like shooting stars!

16 hours on an airplane... wow.

This post is primarily about flying because:
1) It was definitely an experience.
2) If any study abroad students happen to be reading this it might be helpful.

So Ty and I booked our flight with British Airways about two months in advance, and saved ourselves a little money by booking early. After doing some research I might look into frequent flyer miles or rewards programs--I've seen some cool blogs about how those might save money, so I think it's definitely something worth looking into. Plus, American Airlines (we flew with them from Denver to London) has a ton of different members (ruby, sapphire, emerald, barney the big purple dinosaur, etc.) so I'm sure there would be one that would fit our needs.

We packed a bunch of food thinking we would need it for the flight, and planned to have one meal in the airport... TOTALLY unnecessary. On the way to London we were fed a snack, a big meal for supper, and breakfast, which included a croissant, yogurt, and juice. And personally, I thought the food wasn't half bad. It definitely would have been better than lugging all of the food we had in lunchboxes around. On our flight from London to Prague we were fed a cold ham, cheese, and lettuce flatbread sandwich... also pretty good! We had eaten McDonald's in Dallas, so by the time we arrived in Prague we still had plenty of food in our lunchboxes.

Here's Ty enjoying some food on our flight... and some other guy in some super fancy noise cancelling headphones.

The flight to London was crazy... There were at least two screaming babies on the plane, and I swear these kids were preparing for full time jobs. What I mean is they cried in shifts. Two four hour cries, with a fifteen minute break in between. About 20 minutes in I was jealous of the guy with the noise cancelling headphones. Other than that it was a pretty good flight. 
The picture above was our flight path, and it was about a 4,900 flight. (Over 7,000 kilometers, which is much more impressive.)
It was really crowded, but all of the chairs had these really cool monitors on the back, so you could play games, watch movies--Ty and I watched "42." It was SUPER good, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone--Czech the status of your flight (haha, get it? because we were flying the the Czech Republic?), and it even had a pretty nifty chat feature so you could message anyone on the plane.

However, 5,000 miles is a long way to go, so here's a little "Transformation Tuesday" of Ty and I from when our flight started to when we were almost done with the flight.

The most tiring part was probably London's airport. *WARNING* I'm about to rant! It was probably the worst experience I've had in an airport ever. We had to walk probably an hour through the airport to get to where we needed to go--it's layout isn't very user friendly. Also, USA's TSA is practically an angel compared to security in London. The workers were outright pushy and rude and took much longer. To say I was not impressed is an understatement. After we passed security we walked to our flight gate 30 minutes before our flight was supposed to depart and it wasn't open, so upwards of 40 people were standing in this walkway waiting for the gate to open while a couple of the airport employees stood around and chatted with each other. Once we were finally in our gate and sitting down, buses came to take us to the plane, which was standing against stairs. The line took a while, so we had to stand outside in the 30 degree (0 degree Celsius sounds much better) and wait to board the plane. To put it shortly, if we can avoid it, we probably won't have another layover in London.

All in all, we did have a good flight though. We were well fed, the temperature was nice on the planes, we made it to Prague, and so did our luggage.

Thank you everyone who prayed for us. If anyone doesn't know, I had a little fear of crashing on the way over here, and I said the Lord's Prayer about 34432562 times on the plane, so I'm glad God heard us!
I'll be posting soon about Prague--it's nice here!

Thank you for reading! Again, if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns please leave a comment!

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