Monday, February 17, 2014

Carb Central

I love to eat! I haven't met an ice cream I didn't like. Give me a cheeseburger and I'm happy. I'm not a picky person. If someone's nice enough to make me a meal, I'll eat it and say thank you. (That's called manners, folks.) So the chance to try some new food that isn't anything crazy like fish heads, or grilled shoe laces is pretty exciting!

Did you know that Prague is known for it's Mexican food? Surprise surprise! Ty took me out for a wonderful Mexican food date for valentine's at a Mexican Restaurant/pizzeria--strange combination, I know--called Carosellos. It was DELICIOUS! Biggest surprise of all? The water was two dollars a bottle. Granted, it came in beautiful glass bottles... but it was water. Our whole meal added up to about 25 dollars, and water was 8 dollars of that.
Chicken enchiladas... mmmmmmmmmmm.

That's my handsome Valentine there with his quesadillas and bread. 

So what about the Czech food? you might ask. Well, it's pretty good so far! It's very hearty. So hearty in fact, that about halfway through the dish I usually get so full I need a forklift to get me out of the restaurant. (Okay, so that's an exaggeration; It only takes a small piece of machinery... like a segway ;) 

In my opinion, casserole is king. If I see a casserole in the menza (cafeteria) that's what I'm getting. That would be because 1) the meat is all hidden beneath delicious noodles and cheese, and 2) the best Czech food I've eaten is in a casserole.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that all of the food is labeled in Czech. That translates for me as "mystery meat." Especially since one of my friends here from K-State is pretty sure she's gotten liver. Most of the time you get lucky and it's pork, but I'm going to go with my fool proof casserole method.

Also, carbs. are. EVERYWHERE. (Hence the title.) We got these delicious big rolls for a crown a piece. A crown adds up to about a nickel, so you guessed it, we bought about twenty rolls and that should last us about..... a week! All of the pastries are irresistible.
This is one of my favorites so far. I call it "Chocolate-Covered-Eclaire-Thing" aka heaven in a pastry.

So here's to a semester full of Czech Casseroles, butter dipped rolls, and mystery meat.
And also, here's to a semester of hoping I don't return to the States looking like this:

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