Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hot and not bothered!

Hot yoga is fun.

So for a little background, hot yoga is where you elevate the room to roughly 105 degrees and do yoga. Pretty self explanatory. Any sane person is probably thinking "Why in the world would you do that?" And, in the words of my dear old dad, "Fun and hot shouldn't be used in the same sentence unless you're saying, 'It's too fricken hot to have any fun!'"

Well, sorry, Dad. :)

Ty and I decided to avoid looking like I did in the last picture in my previous post we should try some exercise other than just walking around to stores and public transit stations. We attempted to go to the gym on campus, but we just got yelled at in Czech and decided we weren't brave enough to go back and try again. So the search began.

Expatz.cz is a pretty cool site that has a plethora of tips for tourists to Prague. Paired with google.cz I'm pretty sure we could use the internet to rule the world... but exercise will have to do for now. So we signed up for a month of yoga classes at HotYoga42. (I'm guessing the 42 is because it's 42 degees celcius in the room, but I don't know.)

Drawbacks? The whole class was in Czech. I'm really glad that the instructor spoke a few words of English, and was extremely pleasant towards us. The studio was also pretty cool. The lobby had a ton of bean bags and chairs where people would just hang out before and after classes... and it's right next to a mall. Over all it was a pretty cool place to be. If you're curious about what the studio looks like here's a link: http://www.hotyoga42.cz/studio.html.

Also, I already got my first email from HotYoga42.
I'm not sure what it means, but I think it's something good. :)

So basically, here I am looking forward to more emails, and more sweat.